Properties For Rent

Exterior picture 1
400 E Clayton Street

$1,620 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

3467e139 a263 4280 b52a e8bacbb3ad80
230 Strickland Av...

$3,100 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms

5d331037 67ed 4c27 bf27 027c8fcb74d7
478 Ruth Street B...

$1,350 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

4a18d207 7a3d 401e a992 3eea2862d98c
137 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Img 0737
2505 West Broad S...

$1,325 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

35 %28lighting%29
1120 Macon Highway

$2,700 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

Img 6244
310 Research Drive

2 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms

50d5c710 6779 4a41 ab51 48a960dc11d0
150 A Johnson Dri...

$2,840 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms

3588728b e6eb 47cd b8bb 32b8d938be5d
138 Hunters Run Road

$1,740 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Exterior picture 1
400 E Clayton Street

$995 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Knoll creek 501 exterior
255 Research Drive

$2,595 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

60b8f155 ae03 408b 981f 99d024082eff
101 Davis Street

$1,550 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

236 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

136 Katydid Drive

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

112 bridgewater cir
112 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

E64a6095 b443 41aa b42f 66d103ec3146
945 College Avenue

$1,200 0 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Exterior picture 1
400 E Clayton St...

$1,155 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Exterior picture 1
400 E Clayton Street

$995 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

1375 College Stat...

$1,075 2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

230 Fern Ridge Court

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

945 College Avenu...

$1,100 0 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Af859a84 ead7 451d a6ea b5dcf11de8f4
210 Bridgewater Way

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

156 Trail Creek S...

$2,025 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

421 d
421 West Hancock ...

$1,145 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

89960466 4592 4b48 9f78 8872611ce257
124 Katydid Drive

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

8fedda0b 5dba 4338 ac89 a2eb8ebc3711
136 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

3f96a5f5 d44a 464c 8dd1 9c54169e9885
100 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Exterior 1
195 Barnett Shoal...

$3,500 5 bedrooms 5 bathrooms

137 Fern Ridge Court

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Ad photos
255 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

247 Oconee River ...

$2,380 4 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

End unit front balconcy units
480 S Pickens Street

$2,820 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

Img 5185
1688 Prince Avenue

$1,450 2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Picture 4
400 E Clayton Street

$3,000 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

101 Davis Street

$1,550 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

252 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

200 1/2 East Ruth...

$2,000 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

60b8f155 ae03 408b 981f 99d024082eff
101 Davis Street

$1,550 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

103 Hunters Run Road

$1,510 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Bbbcadfb bac0 491a 96a5 f143a92ecd2a
101 Davis Street

$1,550 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Image %283%29
1743 W Hancock Av...

$4,250 5 bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms

160 Johnson Drive...

$1,350 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

30ee4123 5169 4eb5 9788 90b83aaf71e3
349 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

490 Barnett Shoal...

$1,300 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

1035 Barnett Shoa...

$2,250 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

20200805 220354089 ios %281%29
128 Hunters Run Road

$1,740 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

729 Pulaski Street

$1,600 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

66c48ae2 dab9 4620 8d18 1281f345f3b6
478 Ruth Street A...

$4,500 6 bedrooms 6 bathrooms

480 S Pickens Street

$2,865 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

1 %281%29
255 Research Drive

$2,460 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

9e3cbcec 06d0 4e03 b488 2b7144fc3bc2
224 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

259 Bailey Street

$1,800 2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

201 Briarcliff La...

$1,350 0 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

3ff8b6be 20c2 472e 86f0 ad5147e689d1
120 Hunters Run Road

$1,740 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

E5d36478 3762 46e2 8c85 457c04ce7fde
2010 Lakeside Drive

$3,000 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms

Picture 4
361 East Clayton ...

$1,750 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

59a3000b 6446 4e7d a480 d2cdcc64b8cd
278 Katydid Drive

$2,055 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

140 Hunters Run Road

$1,510 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

1. 972 mlk a
972 MLK Pkwy Unit A

$3,100 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms

Exterior 3 edit
125 Hobson Avenue

$2,900 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms

124 Fern Ridge Court

$3,250 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

249 fern ridge ct
249 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

226 Highland Park...

$1,400 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms

Puritan mill homes   water tower
1120 Macon Highway

$2,640 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

Exterior picture 1
400 E Clayton Street

$1,620 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

421 d
421 West Hancock ...

$1,155 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Img 4466 %282%29
179 Magnolia Bluf...

$2,325 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Exterior 1
195 Barnett Shoal...

$3,500 5 bedrooms 5 bathrooms

Picture 4
361 East Clayton ...

$1,020 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

255 Research Drive

$2,505 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

E74aadcc 66c1 43c1 a45c 8e4472dec51d
224 Fern Ridge Court

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Img 3439 %282%29
337 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Front of house
112 Katydid Drive

$2,295 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

945 College Avenue

$1,200 0 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

5eff55fb 91db 4a38 9dd8 61b2664a77d4
1382 West Hancock...

$3,500 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Picture 3
361 East Clayton ...

$1,020 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Picture 4
361 East Clayton ...

$3,000 6 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

10d68a7d 3b70 47dd 9d3b 632fdca163c2
218 Katydid Drive

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Cee46d26 5d0a 4437 8aa6 c9888a0c85df
220 Bridgewater Way

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Ddbd7b32 b766 44bd 9233 af1541cdfe6a
384 Bridgewater C...

$1,700 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Picture 4
361 E Clayton Street

$3,000 5 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Picture 4
361 E Clayton Street

$3,000 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Gravel exterior
195 Barnett Shoal...

$1,800 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

110 north ave exterior front
110 North Avenue

$2,900 5 bedrooms 4 bathrooms

C6b49614 557b 4be6 b011 6843ab328797
325 Bridgewater C...

$2,040 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

110 University Ci...

$2,200 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

3 %28lighting%29
1120 Macon Highway

$1,950 2 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms

2985 Riverbend Road

$1,375 3 bedrooms 1.5 bathrooms

Img 5447
170 Jonas Avenue

$2,325 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

549d8591 0447 48aa 98ed 8a4a133eb4da
342 Bridgewater C...

$2,340 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Picture 4
361 E Clayton Street

$1,020 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Image %283%29
244 Evans Street

$5,650 6 bedrooms 6.5 bathrooms

162 jonas ave
162 Jonas Avenue

$1,800 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

168 John Street

$3,200 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms

Dffdef42 475d 468c 997b 3156591b088b
149 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

540 north peter 1
540 North Peter S...

$2,400 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

D8e33728 3506 4bd5 a44c 6dfe44ecb282
361 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

The bluff
137 Berlin Street

$2,925 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

1515 Cedar Shoals...

$2,375 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

9a71c57e 992c 4034 8fc4 194acc54533d
272 Katydid Drive

$2,055 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Exterior 3
2505 West Broad S...

$1,325 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Knoll creek 101 exterior
255 Research Drive

$2,535 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

490 Barnett Shoal...

$2,250 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

101 fern ridge ct
101 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

C557c2a6 8527 4b74 9f0f d9bfabafba27
261 Fern Ridge Court

$2,325 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

255 Research Drive

$2,550 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

5d331037 67ed 4c27 bf27 027c8fcb74d7
166 Johnson Drive...

$1,350 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

131 Fern Ridge Court

$2,355 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

A2718154 fc7b 4360 819a 5360c30f3d04
1375 College Stat...

$775 0 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

028910a0 057e 4bf7 9f92 e7e6b76bb4c6
266 Katydid Drive

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

263 front close
263 Bailey Street...

$1,800 2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

118 Fern Ridge Ct

$3,325 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

945 College Avenu...

$1,200 0 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

102 Welch Place

$1,680 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Img 0149
243 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

261 front
261 Bailey Street...

$1,800 2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Picture 4
400 E Clayton Street

$3,000 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Exterior picture 1
400 E Clayton Street

$2,115 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms

F9ce0cfc e32a 4f62 b3f0 5e257169fe14
260 Katydid Drive

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

101 katydid dr
101 Katydid Drive

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

421 d
421 West Hancock ...

$1,165 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Exterior front
355 Sunset Drive

$1,700 2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

Img 0428
254 E Clayton St...

$3,000 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

F1d81761 0646 461d 95b1 4af36790fe7d
228 South Rockspr...

$2,025 3 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

480 S Pickens Street

$2,790 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms

100 Betsy Lane

$2,900 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms

367a1c29 7ed9 4b11 bc23 3b7166505d44
124 Hunters Run Road

$1,510 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

C706183a 312e 4ede b3bb 09aadd64ae66
241 Katydid Drive

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Screenshot 2023 10 25 132939
400 E Clayton Street

$2,115 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

9241ae7c 1531 44b1 a963 e68dc67d7baf
231 Fern Ridge Court

$2,235 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

D9f8e98a b13b 438b bc8f fd0c8284acbc
1375 College Stat...

$915 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

E55a5e52 31cb 4a04 b380 50e0df3f0cef
259 Bailey Street

$3,500 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms

88d38339 7231 4c72 9d1c 651e2376cbdc
313 Bridgewater C...

$2,040 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

421 i
421 West Hancock Ave

$1,165 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

C58b1b52 719c 4186 9fc3 3b931808f6eb
124 Bridgewater C...

$1,980 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

940e3f76 bf44 42b7 b722 4559bd4ed18a
101 Davis Street

$1,550 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Capture 2

$60 0 bedrooms 0 bathrooms

Img 9670
213 Fern Ridge Court

$2,295 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Exterior 3
2505 West Broad S...

$1,400 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

B4d6f154 8cca 4b09 b7cb 94534995b752
107 Fern Ridge Court

$2,145 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Mood board  %281%29
1743 W Hancock Av...

$1,400 1 bedrooms 1 bathrooms

340bbe7a 1074 4abd 93c1 196516e1de80
130 Magnolia Bluf...

$3,060 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms